Home Support Services Adelaide

Home Support Rights & Responsibilities

Our business is focussed on the wellbeing of the members of the South Australian community in our care, and we believe that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity, privacy, and respect. It is vital that our clients maintain their independence, and have their personal safety assured by our fully trained, experienced and compassionate staff.

Listening to you

Our duty is to support you in living in your home for as long as possible. We achieve our goals by listening to your individual preferences and adhering to your choices in assisting you to uphold a clean and healthy environment.

You can be sure that you or your loved one will be assessed for our services without discrimination, and your individual and changing needs will be responsibly followed, including cultural, linguistic and religious preferences.

Information sharing

Information about any changes in the availability of our services, including new services on offer, will be shared with you. It is important that you are an active participant in, choosing the home support services that best suits your assessed needs and fits within your means, and involved in making decisions that affect you thereafter. If you wish to include an advocate of your choice to help you to understand the information we provide about our services, you are welcome to do so.

Any personal information that we collect during the course of our service arrangements is privately and confidentially recorded and stored in our extensive database. In this program, we can draw on the details of any special needs you may have, your emergency contact information, and knowledge of any staff member that has been helping you. Your request to be given access to your personal records will be granted.

Complaint Resolution & Executive Management

If you have a complaint about a service you have received, you are free to pursue the issue without retribution and to have appropriate steps taken to resolve the complaint. We also believe that you should have direct access to our executive management team for decision making and providing immediate solutions.

Fees and invoicing

The fee schedule and related invoicing involved with accessing our services will be determined and presented in a clear and fair manner. If changes in your financial circumstances. beyond your control. mean you are unable to pay a fee, your care and services will be continued. Your fees will be reviewed periodically in consultation with you, or on request, (if there are changes to your financial circumstances).

Your responsibilities

As a recipient of our services, you and your family and other support people must uphold the rights of our staff to work in a safe environment, and to also be treated fairly and with respect.

It is your responsibility to abide by the terms of our written agreement and accept that there may be modifications to the care and services received as your needs change. If you do not require a service, it is important that our staff receive reasonable notice.

Working Cooperatively

We enjoy working cooperatively with our clients to maintain a safe, comfortable and pleasant home, thereby facilitating ongoing wellness and independence. 

For further information about your Home Support rights and responsibilities, read the Government Charter of Rights and Responsibilities for Community Care, or Call us on (08) 8352 5885 to discuss any questions you might have. 

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